A recruiter from Cornwall has won the Berry Recruitment manager of the year, beating dozens of others.

Sally Appleby scooped the award at the ceremony hosted by Berry Recruitment Group (BRG).

BRG's Truro branch, where Ms Appleby is based, also triumphed in the 'social media' category.

The exclusive event took place at the Centurion Golf Club near Hemel Hempstead, near BRG's St Albans headquarters.

Managing director of BRG, Chris Chown, said: "Sally showed throughout 2023 what a tremendous asset she is for her branch, but also for the whole company".

He applauded her leadership skills, especially during challenging market conditions.

Mr Chown added: "Sally led her team through choppy waters and their results were superb.

"Sally understands the market and the region and she has attracted new clients and retained existing ones".

Looking ahead, Mr Chown predicted further growth for Ms Appleby's team in 2024 and the likely addition of new recruiters to serve an expanding clientele.

In his conference address, Mr Chown was optimistic about the economy and recruitment market for the current year, promising continued investment in technology, like the Berry Recruitment app.

BRG operates several brands including Berry Recruitment, Wild Berry Associates and First Recruitment Services.