Cornwall Women did themselves proud as they went toe-to-toe with reigning Division 2 champions Hampshire in Truro.

The home side had trained intensively and played their hearts out - something which their opposition may not have quite expected.

With most of their squad comprising of talented players from Havant and Trojans clubs, Hampshire Women had been considered invincible ahead of the match.

Captain Amy Bunt, leading the Cornwall side through a spectacular guard of honour featuring children of current and past Cornwall Women players, set the pace for the whole match.

It was a brave display with defensive efforts being tested from either side in the early stages.

However, Hampshire Women made the first breakthrough when Abi Pearson swiftly passed to Becky Fenn, resulting in an unconverted try.

Falmouth Packet:

As the second half commenced, an unmarked Pearson seized the opportunity, allowing Hampshire to score their second try, brilliantly converted by Rose Brown.

Showing immense resilience and tenacity, Cornwall managed to pick up the pace and mounted a comeback.

Jenna Arnold, following impressive teamwork by Kim Upcott and Becky Bennett, thrilled the crowd by scoring an unconverted try.

In the final minutes, Cornwall pushed for another score, with Upcott and Lilly Relton on the front foot, helping Tia Larson to power through Hampshire's defence to score Cornwall’s second try.

Hampshire, to their immense relief, wrapped up the bonus point win with Cerys Ralph, taking the final score to 10-24.

Falmouth Packet: Cornwall's second try scorer Tia Larson (Credit/Iktisphoto)

Coach Jo Holden, who was full of praise for her Cornwall side, said: "We’ve come a long way from last season’s score line, 0-38.

"The girls have taken on board everything we asked of them.

"Hampshire were shall we say surprised by our play today, they didn’t expect that and it rattled them."

Holden also praised her team's tireless effort adding: "They put their bodies on the line tackling everything that moved, then showing tremendous guts to fight back and get those two scores, never say die attitude.

"I couldn’t be prouder of them all."

Looking ahead, the team remains optimistic, with Holden affirming: "We will build on today going into next Sunday’s game against Hertfordshire."