Daisy Fay's Nursery and Carnon Downs Pre-school has won an award for being top recommended nursery in South West England.

The nursery came in the top ten most recommended nurseries out of 1,078 nurseries in South West England. The top ten nurseries received an award from the leading guide to day nurseries, daynurseries.co.uk, with the award based on the nursery’s recommendations from the children’s families and carers.

Davina Ludlow, director of daynurseries.co.uk, said: “We would like to congratulate Daisy Fay's Nursery and Carnon Downs Pre-school on being a top recommended nursery in South West England. It is a wonderful achievement to be recognised as a highly recommended nursery by the families and carers of the children that attend the setting.

“Recommendations of the Top 10 nurseries show they are nurturing, caring and stimulating environments where children can develop and learn at the same time as having fun. The first five years of a child’s life are crucial in shaping the adult they will become, which is why we decided to recognise those nurseries, which are playing such a vital role in our children’s lives.”

Owner of Daisy Fay’s Nursery and Carnon Downs Pre-school, Fay Caruana said: “It was a brilliant achievement receiving our award. It feels great that parents recognise the hard work and dedication that staff commit to Daisy Fays. We celebrated with cake. We also placed the award proudly in the window for all to see.

“There was a fantastic atmosphere throughout the nursery when we received the award. We have great partnerships with our parents, our team is fantastic, and work hard to provide quality care and education. I feel that this is paramount on us receiving out Top 10 Recommended Day Nursery in South West award.”