In reply to Kathryn Phillpot: Application for Village Green status. The Bosvale Community Centre’s needs seem to have been overlooked in the Village Green debate. We have not been approached or consulted or included in any way to date. The community centre building is old and past its sell by date.

The only reason we are able to keep going is the “promise” of a brand new centre when the field is developed. This is not going to be forthcoming with Village Green.

We have no large resources of cash to even think about a new build. The community centre is used all the time by small groups who are enthusiastic about their product and can impart it to the community in a venue which is not a rip-off on price.

Would all the dog walkers and those who want to let their children play in an open space, which I can understand and have sympathy with, please donate £10,000 each so that we can renew the community centre by the community for the community? I don’t think that this will happen soon enough.

Give it a year and the community centre will be gone and all the little artisan groups will disappear into the well-meaning ether. Let’s get real. We need facilities. One day we will all be old and have care needs which the community will have to meet. Look at the plans again and see if the community can live with them or will we miss the boat again?

Karin Shipman, letting secretary, Bosvale Community Centre