The proposed plans for 340 houses at Trenethick (HX1) are now going to the Planning Inspector in Bristol. 

They declined to speak in defence of this controversial scheme when it was rejected by Helston Town Council planning committee and more latterly unanimously rejected by Cornwall council strategic planning committee.

You would think that after such a loud and clear message from local and county planners they would withdraw gracefully, but sadly not, more money is to be paid to out of county consultants to try and find a way around the planning system. 

Anyone in Helston who objects to this madness and would prefer to see the new houses built at Sainsbury (HX2) should make their feelings known to the planning inspector via The reference is APP/D0840/A/14/2229258. 

Alternatively you can send three copies of a letter quoting this reference to The Planning Inspector, Alison Bell, Room 3/26 Hawk Wing, Temple Quay house, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN. The deadline for comments is February 9 with the appeal probably sometime in the spring. 

Ian McDonald