I refer to your front page report in the Falmouth Packet this week relating to the subject development.

The layout picture of the proposed development does not give an all round view of how the buildings will fit into the landscape and would suggest that you contact Cornwall Council to obtain other drawings of the type and design of the houses and apartments that Linden Homes would like to build on this site.

I am sure your readers would have a greater understanding if they could see a view of this development looking from Swanpool Beach or the public footpaths. 

The fields for the proposed development are on steep land and any buildings will give the appearance of overlooking Swanpool.

The general public who use this area should be made aware of the visual impact this development will make on the natural beauty of Swanpool. It would also try to help us to understand why our local councillors would agree to having a four storey block of flats about 500m from the beach.

I trust that you may be able to do some further research into this important development and let the local people have their say.

AD Duckham,
Swanpool Court