Cornwall Council are proposing increasing car-park charges quite dramatically. It does not seem that long ago they pledged to support the local high streets.

In Helston, different groups are working hard initiating schemes to increase footfall in the town. If car-park charges increase now, it will do nothing to help the cause of these groups. 

To raise some of the extra funds Cornwall Council require, I believe there has to be alternatives.

I suggest they abolish subsistence/food allowances; many people take a packed lunch when working away from home, why not councillors? It seems wrong that councillors can claim for food when others are struggling to manage, with many relying on food banks. 

I realise if a councillor was to travel out of the county on council business, for any length of time, they would need accommodation and/or the purchase of food maybe, but how often is that actually the case. 

I additionally suggest they take a look at their general travel expenses, it seems ridiculous to me that one councillor claimed over £6,000 worth of travel expenses in one year, did this councillor drive all over Cornwall repetitively I wonder, or take a few trips abroad. 

Whatever the reason for the claim, I believe there should be a stop to this type of expenditure. We live in and age of modern technology and have the use of video link meetings, Skype, emails, mobile phones etc, I really think the whole expenses system needs to be overhauled. 

Cornwall Councillors receive an allowance each year, I think the allowance should be one set amount which has to cover everything. 

I do not think Cornwall Council should continue to increase costs for others, whilst not reducing their own expenditure. 

Gill Zella Martin