Whilst recently out walking on our stunning seafront we considered the effect that the new planning application for the fields above Swanpool would have on the main seafront and it would seem that a horrible blot would be easily visible from that area.

We then drove to Swanpool and considered it from that angle and there is no doubt that the impact on the beautiful Swanpool Beach and its surround would be severely damaged by such a brutal development.

We both feel that if such a development were to go ahead we would ask of Cornwall Council whether there is a point in having a large planning department as time after time they allow the destruction of our green and pleasant land; the planners do not seem capable of saying NO and sending the developers off to find more suitable sites.

Now don’t tell us there are no suitable sites because there are thousands of acres on the landward side of Falmouth that the farmers would be delighted to sell for the millions on offer, the poor farmers cannot make ends meet from small farms and must pray for such a profitable release from their misery.

Few of us who are already comfortably homed in Falmouth and Penryn would object to the town expanding on the landward side but for the county planning officers to get into the habit of allowing the approaches to the sea to be lost forever is bordering on incompetence and if you are incompetent you should not be doing the job.

Rather than sitting in your offices we ask you to drive to Swanpool, park in the car park, walk around the pool, have a play on the beach and a coffee in Pete’s beach cafe then consider a BLOCK OF FLATS and a field full of houses above the car park.

Mike and Marlene Hodges