In January Cornwall Council issued a press release statement which I read in the Packet. It stated that Cornwall Councillor Alex Folkes is a serious and enduring risk to children.

Due to government legislation Cornwall Council cannot remove any councillor for any reason from their position in office. The council do not even have it within their powers any longer to suspend a councillor, as the government removed this privilege. 

I believe the government legislation needs altering. I strongly uphold the belief it is wrong to have any councillor in a position of trust and public office when there is a clear safeguarding issue. Within all schools, clubs for children etc, no one that poses a risk to children is allowed to work with them. 

Within communities, one expects to be able to trust those in a position of authority. There is nothing preventing a child approaching their local Cornwall Councillor thinking that as a monitored official it should be safe to do so.

I do not believe it right to have a Cornwall Councillor remain in office whom Cornwall Council have stated poses a serious and enduring risk to children. I have contacted my local MP as I think Cornwall Council needs to have legislation in place enabling them when appropriate, to be able to remove a councillor from office and prevent them from standing for re-election.

The safeguarding of children has to take priority over any current rules and legislation on the election of councillors. The ability for any councillor to remain in office regardless of any safeguarding issue they pose has to be stopped.

Gill Zella Martin 

Editor’s note: Mr Folkes has always denied any wrongdoing and said he was cleared by police in 2006 after his credit card was cloned.