I was very pleased to read in last week’s Packet that Falmouth Town Councillors’ understood that they are elected primarily to represent the views of their constituents. In reference to the proposed development at Bosvale, Councillor Rowenna Brock declared at a meeting of the planning committee: “I, like everyone around this table, was voted in to voice the opinion of people in Falmouth and therefore I will not be supporting it.”

How splendid, how uplifting, but I wonder when this enlightenment, this inspirational awakening of biblical proportions first took place? Obviously sometime after January this year when Ms. Brock and the planning committee supported the building of a housing estate on three green fields adjacent to the coast of Swanpool, against the wishes of 99% of residents who wrote in opposition the development.

We must hope that Cornwall Councillors, who finally decide on this planning application, will value this beautiful area more than their Falmouth counterparts. We must also hope that the declaration by Ms. Brock that the opinions of residents should prevail in such matters was a genuine recognition of past errors and not just another shallow sound-bite.

Yours sincerely Falmouth Resident Cliff Road.