The building proposed is three to four storeys high which will be close and overlooking properties (ie no privacy). Proposed living units – 75, quite a lot of these are two bedrooms and to be sold off but only 40 parking spaces which tells me there will be quite a lot of traffic coming and going.

I live in Charles Avenue and I am protesting about the building in the playing field at Bosvale. I believe the road at Charles Ave is planned as the main entrance/exit to the proposed new development. It is barely wide enough for two cars to pass. Yet along the heavy plant machinery, diggers etc, lorries with the building materials and amenities.

There are no pavements for safety, our gardens edge the road. I fear for the safety of anyone coming this way, especially my family and grandchildren. There are parking spaces along this road, but none spare.

These are allocated and on the deeds of all residents of Charles Ave.

I also fear the damage that could occur with all the action of the road so close to my property.

I was informed that the other entrance/exit, Boslowick Road, opposite Prislow Lane, was scrapped because of preservation orders on a couple of trees. It seems trees are more important than people these days.

I do hope you print this letter, there are a lot of people around here really worried. There are a lot of people for it, but it is not in their back or front garden.

Mrs P Pearse,
Charles Avenue,