I have read with great interest in this weeks Falmouth Packet, regarding the road outside Golden Bank mobile homes site.

I totally agree with what Mr Davies is saying in his letter, I use this road and am amazed at the amount of commercial vehicles using it.

The noise as these vehicles hit those pot holes as they pass must be horrendous? It must be a nightmare for people living along side the road, and Cornwall Highways giving stupid comments to the residents is totally out of order.

Spend undue thousands on road improvements as at the new Budock Water roundabout is fine by Cornwall Highways planning, granted a new system was needed, but why ignore the many other smaller projects which also needs to have attention given, namely, a double white line restricting overtaking at Herniss on the A394, vehicles racing through this section of road is frightening, when it was put to Cornwall Highways, the residents were told, and I quote “We could increase the speed through there to 60 mph, if we wanted” that was said by a person from Highways, obviously not worried about it because he doesn't live on this stretch of highway?

And Cornwall Highways planning, should look again at the suggestion by residents in Golden Bank Mobile homes site, that perhaps to stop the rat run, wouldn't it be better to put some speed humps through there? Now comes the question I would like Cornwall Highways planning to answer.

“ they could not put speed lumps on the road because there was no lighting?????/

So its illegal then is it that if lights are not there warning warning speed bumps were in the road, if that's the case, then why are there speed bumps scattered alongside Swanpool lake, there are no light there??

Get with it Cornwall Highways, and sort the problems and get your priorities right.

D Bristow

E Mail address supplied.