READERS may recall that in July this year we launched our new Local Lives series of books with All In A Lifetime’s Work, the autobiography of Steve Pellow, retired Falmouth shipping agent.

This proved so successful that we quickly sold out and had to organise a reprint. I am delighted to report that the reprint has now been delivered and consequently the book, co-written with retired Falmouth journalist Mike Truscott, is once more available in our shop.

For those of you who have reserved your copy, therefore, please feel welcome to call in at the shop at your earliest opportunity (unless, of course, you have made special arrangements for us to forward the book to you).

For those readers who have not yet bought or ordered a copy, may I remind you that the book is wholly in aid of Cancer Research UK and on sale only through our shop (01326 211872).

It tells the fascinating life story of a man who worked for just short of half a century for G C Fox & Co, which was Falmouth’s biggest and oldest shipping agency.

As a busy shipping agent constantly on call, Steve witnessed the dramatic, the amusing, the mystifying and, just occasionally, the scarcely credible – with, for much of that time, the port handling substantially more shipping traffic than it does today.

His work included direct involvement in many casualties – among them one of the greatest shipwreck sagas of the 20th Century. He was also on board the last ship to sink in Falmouth’s waters, escaping with just minutes to spare before she went down!

Steve also takes readers back to the Second World War, with vivid childhood memories of how Falmouth suffered at the hands of the German bombers during the biggest conflict in history.

Nicky Garvin,
Manageress of the Cancer Research UK Falmouth shop