I do hope a decision in favour of parking charges, as outlined by you in yesterday’s Packet, will result. It is far preferable to the sneaky fine of £60 if overstaying even by a few minutes as I unfortunately discovered when I went for my first Pilates exercise session next door to the parking lot.

Private physiotherapy costing hundreds of pounds and now pilates exercises at Jubilee Wharf to strengthen my spinal muscles. Needless to say, following the unjust fine by Armtrac, I arranged for the much more costly private pilates sessions at my home, a decision not easily taken by an 88 year old widow with limited and sometimes uncertain private income.

If Armtrac’s notice had been facing the same way as the Cornwall Council parking notice, I might have been more aware of the consequences. However, if you inspect the site yourself, you will find that their sign is at right angles to the parking sign (I took a photo of it after it was pointed out by the attendant). Being bombarded with signs at all possible sites, one is inclined not to notice those which do not appear to be directly connected. When I parked my car on that fateful day, I looked in vain for a Pay and Display facility so took the Cornwall County Council sign as a friendly warning. I had no foreknowledge that the session would exceed the one hour which it did because of some late arrivals probably due to their hunt for a parking space in Commercial Road.

Such unfair treatment of people who legitimately attend short visits to lessees of space in Jubilee Wharf cannot be to the benefit of either those lessees or to Penryn council.

Maria Bazin