Charter Close is a small street, approximately 50 metres long, a cul-de-sac, in a conservation area of Penryn. It contains 22 purpose built pensioner flats, with only seven parking bays shared among the residents. Not all the pensioners have cars but those who cannot find a parking bay use the limited space on the street.

There is a continuous and documented history of problems with parking on this street, due to the limited parking spaces available for the number of properties. Besides residents parking here, there is a constant flow of cars arriving with care workers, looking after elderly residents, visiting multiple times per day, cars delivering meals or groceries, council workers vehicles, as well as family visitors to pensioners' flats. This normal influx of vehicles servicing the street is exacerbated by the general public using Charter Close and the adjoining street, Bohill, as a convenient parking zone while shopping or at work.

Now with the proposed changes to parking on Broad Street, the introduction of double yellow lines to St Thomas Street, and the residents parking zone PN08 at the bottom of Bohill, means that Charter Close is completely surrounded by streets with restricted parking, forcing car owners to seek an alternative parking spot, and Charter Close is the most likely displacement area. This can only lead to more vehicle congestion and stress for the elderly residents of this overcrowded area. Given the documented problems with parking in this street I am surprised the planning department have ignored the impact of their proposals on this small, already highly congested enclave. We, the residents, would like to propose two possible solutions to, if not solve, at least try and alleviate this problem.

1) Transfer this small street from the highways department to the local council. This has been tried before but the attempt fell through because the name put forward was wrong, Charter Court, rather than Charter Close. We would like to try again, and then ask the council to reserve this small dead end street for residents only.

2) An alternative would be to extend the residents parking zone PN08 to include Charter Close and upper Bohill, thus preventing Charter Close and Bohill from becoming a magnet for displaced vehicles, Charter Close being the only unprotected street in the immediate area.

William Logan,

Charter Close,
