Julia Goldsworthy MP is wrong to accuse local campaigners in the villages around United Downs of "scaremongering".

In the late 1980s, the county council asked for a ten-year extension to the landfill site, promising they would never come back and ask again.

In the late 1990s, the county council had failed again to come up with a waste management plan and asked for another ten year extension, promising they would never come back and ask again. (As a local councillor at the time, I objected strongly.) Now, the council has a waste management plan at last but the Lib Dems are fighting amongst themselves over it and the plans could be delayed for years. The county council has come back and asked again.

As for claiming that no pressure will be put on the villagers: the original letter Julia mentions informed the parish councils that the promised landscaping to the site would not be done unless the extension was agreed. No pressure?

People around St Day need someone to stand up for them and Julia should come down hard on her own party colleagues instead of dismissing the concerns of local residents.

Jude Robinson, Pink Moors, St Day, Redruth