VILLAGE hotel could be Cornish nursing home, (Falmouth Packet, June 18). Fantastic idea! There are, I understand, two more hotels for sale in Falmouth which could also be utilised.

Clever people "I know what's best for you" took away the places the people with learning disabilities looked upon as home without consideration of the upset this would cause.

Now the people of Cornwall can repay these folk by giving them back their places in the community that were taken from then. And what is wrong with the residents of Budock? Did these people harm you when some of them were at Budock Hospital?

These are your people, born in your county and have a perfect right to be looked after here, not farmed out to Oxford or Newcastle.

Shame on you protestors. What right have you to forbid your own people to live among you? You that are "incomers" have less right than them!

Welcome them home and then volunteer to help them settle with you. Open your hearts to these people who do not have your privileges or abilities and thank God that you do not have their problems.

P Porteuss High Street Falmouth