It seems that you have to wait a while for public anger to rise as the impact of the cuts start to have a real impact on peoples’ lives, and then it comes all at once, a bit like buses really.... The very same issue that has got people up in arms this week.

Whether it is a failure to print timetables, leaving people standing at the side of the road, or the loss of services leaving people in rural areas with no transport at all, it does not look like things are set to improve any time soon.

Before anyone starts to blame the drivers, and lets face it they are the only face of the companies we ever see, remember that they are not the cause of your missed journey or newly isolated village, that blame lies firmly elsewhere.

Next up is the bedroom tax.Vying with the Highland Clearances as the most pernicious, cruel and unusual piece of policy ever thought up, it, if statistics are to be believed, is hitting Cornwall hard.

Figures suggest 2,826 families hit by this in Cornwall, so well done to the government and our MP’s for their efforts, the first Duke of Sutherland would be proud of you.

And finally, when did the onset of Cornish winter start to be reported like we are living in an overacted 70’s US TV drama? We cannot see a hail stone fall or wake up after a night of frost without it being reported like it is a harbinger of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Lets tone it down a bit, the boy that cried wolf was a cautionary tale for a reason.