Summer is finally here, and as I drive through the country lanes around my home I am struck by the beauty of the hedges, the colourful wild flowers growing on the verges, the birds singing in the bushes.

What's got into the old Skipper you may well ask. Has he gone soft in his old age. But lo what is this piled up by the side of the road. It's plastic bin bags full of rubbish put out two days early for the seagulls, cats and dogs to rip open and scatter their disgusting contents all over the country lanes.

And this is not just one week where you may think those responsible would think "Oh no! That's made a terrible mess. I'll do something about that to make sure it doesn't happen again." Oh no the next week there they are again out at the same time, nothing to cover them up and ripped open once again with their disgusting contents strewn all over the road.

And it's not just bin bags, every day as I drive out of my village there are fast food cartons, bottles, bags, cups etc strewn across the lanes. They have obviously just been thrown out of a car window as the irresponsible owners finished stuffing their faces. Is it too much to ask for them to take their rubbish home with them? Although they'll probably put it out in a bin bag for it to ripped open by the seagulls!

What kind of person lives in one of the most beautiful county's in the UK and then proceeds to defile it. If I had my way they'd be escorted out of the county and told to live elsewhere, and no, we can't just blame the tourists, this is happening every day of the year.

We need to start educating people young, the number of school pupils who just casually throw coke bottles and crisp packets into hedges without a thought for the consequences make me despair. However recent viewers of Channel Four's The Island with Bear Grylls will be aware of how rubbish permeats even the most pristine parts of the world.

Anyway I need to get my blood pressure back under control so I'm off to admire the birds and the bees. Ahhhh, that's better.