BRAVO to Carina Denning, the Penryn lady who is literally getting her hands dirty as she tries to turn back the tide of rubbish engulfing her town.

By taking time to get out and do something positive for her community, Carina is a shining example to us all of how we can take matters into our own hands if we want to effect change in the world.

Now more than ever with the rise of clicktivism – the belief you can make a change just by signing an online petition or sharing a Facebook post – it is important that we roll up our sleeves and actually act upon our convictions.

If you are concerned about vulnerable people in your community, join a charity or collect for a foodbank. If you worry about development or services in your town, attend a meeting. If you don’t want to see your street overtaken by trash, name and shame those who are irresponsible.

True, in a perfect (or reasonable) society we should not need to do this, but after six years of austerity budgets, with Cornwall Council financially on its knees, we must come together as a community. Now more than ever.