A petition has been launched in Mullion to show the strength of feeling over dog mess being left on pavements and roads.

The petition has been instigated by a group of residents that is calling for the local authorities to “act urgently”.

It was launched after one comment on a social media website attracted more than 50 comments in just a few hours, with 15 people adding their complaints.

Members of the parish council told the group that Cornwall Council was “not forthcoming” in answering requests for appropriate bins.

However, one of the residents, Lee Dunkley, said: “Such is the feeling in the village that I believe that the parish council and Cornwall Council should not only be treating this as an urgent priority, but should also be leading an awareness and advice campaign to dog owners that fail to clean up.

“The cause may be as a result of older dog owners struggling to bend down, for example.

“The local authorities should help find solutions to such issues, as well as distributing information on the unpleasantness, the dangers and also the penalty fines that can result from inaction to clear up mess.

“I believe that simply installing appropriate bins will not solve the problem.”

The petition can be found in most shops and civic buildings in the village and members of the public have been urged to sign their names to lend their support “as soon as possible” if they agree.