They are surely two of Helston's hardest working councillors so it is no surprise to PPV that Andrew Wallis and Judith Haycock both make a well-deserved appearance in the new cabinet at Cornwall Council.

True to form Andy (PPV is on first name terms don'tcha know), who is well known for his online blog about council comings and goings, as well as a prolific tweeter, announced his new ranking on Twitter with the words: “I am pleased to say I am now a cabinet member. Looking forward to working and listening to members, the public as I carry out my duties.”

He also gave his word that both his blogging and tweeting would continue, telling his Twitter followers: “Just because I am on the cabinet, I will still be the same person.”

Although portfolio briefs will not be announced until today (Wednesday) Andy, who represents Porthleven and Helston West, has already admitted there are “one or two” he would be interested in.

Meanwhile Judith Haycock, re-elected earlier this month to the Helston South division, has been involved in many committees of the council over the last four-year term, including on the waste development advisory panel to the cabinet.

Others included the Children, Education and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cornwall Sea Fisheries Committee and Beach Dog Control Orders and Enforcement Single Issue Panel.

Both Andy and Judith are staunchly Independent, refusing to get involved in party politics and so far always keeping the community they serve first.

With just ten councillors on the cabinet in total, for Helston to have two among them is no mean feat and surely only serves to demonstrate how lucky the town is two have such active representatives.