President for the day on Sunday was Des Moore and he welcomed the speaker, Nigel Patterson and his wife, and visitors from Mumbles, Newquay, Solihull and Hall Green.

In the afternoon Nigel looked at the daily reading from Timothy. It was written as Paul waited for execution and he was thinking only of others like Jesus did as he encouraged and advised Timothy. The apostle charged Timothy to preach the word, reprove and encourage. The word truth is repeated many times and that is what kept Paul steadfast and that preaching is entrusted to people today. Nigel encouraged all believers to confess their faith like Timothy and Paul and remember the faith of Jesus in the communion service.

After sharing tea Nigel gave a presentation on why we can trust the Bible which claims to be the word of God. The 40 authors of the Bible were from a cross-section of society and most never met. Nigel showed the many archaeological discoveries of early documents and also evidence supporting many of the historical facts mentioned in the Bible. No discovery has ever contradicted the Bible. Many of the prophecies have come true especially regarding Israel. Nigel reminded his listeners of the promise of salvation which is offered to all at the return of Jesus.