The congregation hope that the newly installed gates at the entrance to the church will deter would be thieves from breaking in. Visitors are always welcome at All Saints’ except when they come to create mischief. The gates will be dedicated shortly.

The sung mass for Trinity III was conducted by Father Stephen Drakeley, priest-in-charge and began with the introit hymn “Come let us join our cheerful song”.

After the singing of the Kyrie and Gloria, James Davies read the first lesson taken from the first book of Kings chapter 21 v 1-21. This tells the story of how King Ahab and his wife Jezebel, contrived the death of Naboth of Jezreel in order to steal his vineyard.

Doreen Barnicoat then read the second chapter of Galatians v 15-21. Paul reminds his readers that we are justified by faith in Jesus, not by law. The gospel proclaimed by Fr Stephen was Luke’s version of the anointing of Jesus by a woman generally believed to be Mary Magdalene. The theme of his address that followed was “The slide into sin is gradual.”

Chalice administrators at the eucharist were Helen Bancroft and Sally Maynard; servers for the mass were Jane MacLennan, Jacob Clarke and Anthea Bancroft; sidespersons were Amy Seaton and Paul Jenkins and prayers were led by Anthea Bancroft and Barbara Martin. After the final hymn “To the name of our salvation”, Matthew Seaton, church organist, played one of his own compositions “Hymn for Ruth” to end the mass.

Forthcoming event: Saturday, June 29, summer fayre to commence at 10am.