“Strike up the Band” was the first song sung by The Trefusis Singers, formerly called The Mylor Ladies’ Choir and then the Mylor Singers, at the choir’s Ruby Anniversary Concert, with buffet supper, performed at The Tremayne Hall, Mylor Bridge on Saturday.

The audience joined in the choruses, swaying and singing with gusto and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. The songs were all “Songs from the Shows” some of which were solos. These included Ann Angove singing “Makin’ Whoopee”, Sally Collett “The Tale of the 0yster” by Cole Porter, Pat Hobden “Pick a Pocket or Two”, Julia Angove “Fly Home, Little Heart”, Margaretha Wiekens “Wishing you Were Somewhere Here Again” from the Phantom of the Opera and Irene Gardiner played the part of “Hello Dolly” as she handed round sweets from a basket to the audience and ending up dancing with a gentleman from the audience . Ann Angove and Jacky Chapman made a beautiful Ruby Anniversary cake and also decorated the stage with the help of Julia Angove.

At the end of the performance, the choir’s musical director, Bridget Westlake, was presented with a beautiful basket of ruby red roses.

Grateful thanks go to all those who helped so willingly behind the scenes.