METHODISTS: It was a pleasure to welcome back the Rev Philip Williams from Newlyn to conduct the service on Sunday, which included holy communion. Everyone enjoyed singing the hymns he had chosen, accompanied by Mavis Harper. There was also a welcome for Dick Brunwin’s brother, Peter, who was on a visit from Weymouth.

OPEN GARDENS: On Sunday from 2 to 5pm, Godolphin Cross is holding an open gardens in and around the village. There are eight gardens to visit ranging from small back gardens to one of over three acres. Tea and homemade cakes will be served in two of them and plants and watercolour prints of local scenes will also be for sale. Entry is by a map at £5 per family, available at the village green area where the telephone box is situated. Proceeds to Godolphin Christmas lights, village activities and Cornwall Air Ambulance.

PRIMARY SCHOOL: Sports day afternoon will take place on Tuesday, June 25 and if rained off the following Thursday.

On Monday, July 1, Year five and six have a day trip to Geevor Mine and on Thursday, July 4 years fours and five have a bushcraft day at Penrose. The watersports day and barbecue and Stithians Lake will be on Monday, July 8 for year six leavers.

The school extends thanks to everyone who collect vouchers and if you have any Sainsbury’s active kids vouchers, please bring to school as soon as possible.

LITTLE DOLPHINS PRE-SCHOOL: The pre-school are holding a quiz night in the school hall on Friday at 7.30pm. Entry is £8 per team with a maximum of six people per team. Please bring your own refreshments and there will be a raffle and goodies for sale. All proceeds for the pre-school. Entry forms are available from the school office.

DINKY DOLPHINS TODDLER GROUP: Little Dolphins Pre-School now have a mother and toddler group which runs on Wednesdays from 1.30pm to 3pm. For more information telephone 07799721377.