Members met on June 11at 7pm. Crete Pooley opened the meeting and welcomed the speaker, Catrina Langford, who gave a talk on the St Petroc Society for the Homeless and showed a film of some of the people.

Nowadays there are more women than there used to be, but still more men than women. A lot of men are homeless due to relationship breakdowns. St Petroc’s tries to reach them before they get involved in drink and drugs but help them all if they can. A lot of 16-7-year-olds are involved. Some people sleeping rough can be urinated on, kicked or beaten up. St Petroc’s has some houses divided into bedsits where they help people to look after themselves.

Crete gave a vote of thanks then tea and biscuits were served by Marian Ferris and Mary Seargeant.

The competition was a poem entitled Home: 1, Crete; 2, Elizabeth; 3, Mary. Catrina asked if she could take them with her! The flower competition was won by Marian and the raffle by Sally.

Yvonne read the minutes of the last meeting, which were signed and orders were taken for calendars. The newsletter was read and discussed and it was stressed that all computer users must be careful due to a scam.

Next month's meeting on July 11 will be a talk by Tony Fairless on My career as a Policeman. The competition will be The Potato Harvest, the vote of thanks to be given by Wendy and tea hostesses will be Sally and Pat.