The celebrant and preacher at the service of holy communion on Sunday was the Rev Peter Bradford.

The epistle was read by Judith Warren. Mr Bradford read the gospel, Bevan Osborne led intercession, communion elements were presented by Henrietta Sandford and Bevan Osborne, sidespeople were Phil Haywood and Isabel Osborne, the Sanctus bell was rung by Max Barnett and Anne Veneear was the organist.

Visitors from Leicestershire were welcomed in the congregation.

On Sunday there will be a service of holy communion at 10.30am. The celebrant and preacher will be Mr Bradford.

At the end of the month Henrietta and Annie will be running a stall at a neighbouring fete in aid of church funds. If anyone has any suitable bric-a-brac items that will sell please bring them along to church next week or contact the church wardens.