Members and visitors enjoyed a delightful evening in July with a demonstration by Elaine Reynolds from Delabole entitled “Summer Delights”.

All the arrangements were very different and innovative and Elaine gave us plenty of tips for new ways to update arrangements. Her first display was a pink “Summer Cocktail” in a large black vase with Madelina sticks in black and pink enclosing the arrangement and flowing down round the edge of the container.

Next came a depiction of the seaside with contorted willow, kangaroo paws, caramel carnations and sunflowers placed low for the evening sun.

The third arrangement was a clash of bright colours-red, pink and orange with gerberas and roses set off by curled aspidistra leaves and squiggles of shocking pink aluminium wire.

We were given a look at the latest “in thing” –“Rural Vintage” which is a mix of cottage garden plants in soft pastels and lime green arranged in jugs or soft hand tied bouquets.

The finale was a very modern arrangement in blue and white reminding us of the sea.

Elaine supplies all the flowers for the Doc Martin TV series and gave us bits of backstage knowledge – so if you are watching the new series, remember we saw it first in Falmouth!

Our next meeting on August 13 will be a member’s workshop entitled “Enchanted Garden”.