On Sunday morning our preacher was the Rev Geoffrey Thorpe with Paul Coombs as worship leader.

Music corner was depleted with only Paul Jenkin and his daughter Megan after the Sunday school departed, despite the first song “Praise Him on the trumpet”.

Mr Thorpe told a story from Jesus about the missing sheep, set as sort of modern day poem with actions by the story teller and the congregation. “Come on and Celebrate” was sung before the prayers were said and the teachers and children went downstairs. Nigel Ferris, besides operating the projector/large screen, read from Luke chapter 7 v 36-50, Paul Coombs read 2 Corinthians chapter 1 v 8-27 and a time of prayer. Giving thanks for answered prayers, prayed for those still unwell and for those away for whatever reason. Text for the brilliant sermon came from 2 Corinthians chapter 1v 19, where basically it means “Jesus says Yes!” to healing, never refusing any need; indeed throughout His ministry even to the Cross. Holy communion was based on a Iona Community Service, with Mr Thorpe and Paul Benney officiating.

Fellowship over tea or coffee followed downstairs which included two visitors.

The evening preacher was Sarah Fuller who is a member at Breaney and became an accredited Local Preacher during 2006. During the evening worshippers at Porthleven Methodist Church joined the Breage congregation.