Penryn College turned pink last Friday for International Stand up to Bullying day, led by the school’s anti-bullying team.

Pupils were asked to turn up to school wearing one item of pink clothing to make a statement about bullying.

Kate Hornblower, educational psychologist and joint leader of the team, said: “We are aiming to increase awareness of a very serious issue, bystanders of bullying will now be aware of the role they can play being the defender.”

The anti-bullying team, made up of students from various age groups, provides support to children who are being bullied inside or outside school by dropping in on lessons and tutor periods and giving presentations and assemblies, and also represents the school at anti-bullying events.

Jan Phillips, English teacher and the team’s other leader, said: “We were all really pleased to see so many pupils and staff involved. There was a lot of pink on the day. It makes a big statement against bullying.”