The Friends of Trescobeas Surgery in Falmouth enticed weary shoppers into the Methodist Church recently, offering them coffee and cake.

The coffee morning was the latest fundraising event organised by the Friends who saw their bank account boosted by almost £400 by the end of the day.

The group has been tasked with re-vamping the surgery’s waiting room to make it more accessible and more comfortable for patients, so as part of this challenge the Friends are raising money for an invisible “hot air curtain” door.

“Whilst the existing double doors are fit for purpose, they are heavy, clumsy and difficult for our most restricted patients, such as those in wheelchairs or with young children,” said practice manager, Yorick O’Nyons.

“Thanks to the Friends this new system will allow easy access and make the whole patient experience far better.

“Once again this demonstrates the valuable role the Friends have in allowing us to target our resources at improving our clinical services.”

Mary Bradley, chair of friends, added: “Trescobeas is a fantastic surgery that has helped us all considerably, therefore all the Friends feel that we would like to put something back and support the surgery in whatever way we can.”