A stretch of road described by the Royal Mail as “the worst place for delivering on the Lizard Peninsula” is at the centre of a campaign to reduce its speed limit.

Residents of Rosevear Hill, near Mawgan, are pushing for a drop in the speed of traffic (the limit is currently 40mph) and want to see a flashing speed warning placed on the hill.

There have been a number of crashes on that road, most recently on Good Friday this year when a man from St Keverne lost his life on a motorbike.

Eight residents were at the last meeting of Mawgan Parish Council, after they contacted the police and highways department with their concerns and were told it was a council matter.

They said they were forced to stick their car bonnets out onto the road every time they left their properties, due to poor visibility, and one man had been refused planning permission to build another house due to access problems.

Four members of the public have written to their Cornwall councillor, Walter Sanger, who is waiting on a report from Cornwall’s police road casualty reduction officer, PC Mark Leath.

Residents at the meeting said that two traffic police officers from Exeter had already visited the road and were “appalled” at the speed, saying it should be a 30mph limit.

Mr Sanger said he needed this in writing to support a case he was making, to reduce the limit from 40mph to 30mph through Rosevear to the other side of Garras, using his allocated council fund for traffic schemes.

He added that supporting letters would be welcomed, as Cornwall Council officer Peter Tatlow was looking for support evidence.

Residents pointed out that there would need to be enforcement in order for the speed reduction to make a difference.