Cornwall Trading Standards have been inundated with complaints regarding the activities of bogus charity clothing collectors operating throughout Cornwall.

"Members of the public are again being targeted by commercial clothing collectors and consumers need to be aware that these companies will sell their items for profit and charities will not benefit from their generosity," said Jackie Snow from Cornwall's Trading Standards Service.

Householders are receiving leaflets through their letterbox asking them to spare their unwanted clothes which will be sent to the Third World where the garments will be carefully sorted and worn again. Wording on the leaflets such as We Urgently Need Clothing', Third World Clothing Collection', and God Will Reward For Your Good Hearts' suggests that this is the activity of a bone fide charity.

The misleading impression given by the leaflets is, in some instances, reinforced by reference to a registration number, which people may think is that of a Registered Charity but is, in fact, the registration number for the limited company If a householder has any doubts about a leaflet asking for donations or unwanted clothes etc, they can contact the Charity Commission's helpline on 0870 333 0123 to check whether the collection is for, or on behalf of, a Registered Charity.

Alternatively, they can give direct to a local charity shop or donate via a charity shop collection sack which will make clear reference to the Charity Registration Number which can be checked, and many will also carry the Association of Charity Shops Kitemark.