Every competitor was given an engraved goblet to mark the 150th anniversary Chertsey Regatta.

The closest finish was in the gents senior singles in which Kevin Dargue and Simon Mepham clashed in neutral waters. Simon broke a blade but in the re-row he won by two feet.

The singles star was Jordan Johnstone of Wargrave, who as a novice, had a faster time than the senior divisions.

Alex Hinton, in his first regatta, won the novice mixed with Ann Harrap of the Skiff Club a good omen for his row across the Atlantic later this year. The next event is the Skiff Club Regatta tomorrow (Saturday).


Single skiffs: Gents senior Simon Mepham (Thames Valley Skiff Club, Walton TVSC), junior/senior Peter Sallabank (Dittons Skiff & Punting Club, DSPC), junior Tom Bishop (DSPC), novice Jordan Johnstone (Wraysbury Skiff & Punt Club, WSPC), Ladies junior Hannah Sims (DSPC), novice Kate Neal (TVSC).

Double skiffs: Gents senior Kevin Dargue, Bart Hudson, Sandra Knowles (TVSC), junior/senior John Hart, Steve Aquilina, Imogen Hart (DSPC), junior Richard Timperlake, Steve Myhill, Linda Cameron (WSPC), novice John Poirrier, Jordan Johnstone, Sue Chamberlain (WBC), veteran handicap Ted Cocker, Roger Hughes, Fran Kenden (Skiff Club, Teddington, SC), Ladies junior Helen Ryan, Sarah Winckless, Imogen Hart (DSPC), novice Sian Maloney, Laura Castle, Ellen Snell (WBC), mixed junior/senior Sandra Knowles, Kevin Dargue, Linda Cameron (WSPC), mixed junior John Hart, Sarah Winckless, Imogen Hart (DSPC), mixed novice Ann Harrap, Alex Hinton, Fran Kenden (SC), mixed veteran handicap Elaine Laverick, Graeme Mulcahy, Liana del Giudice (SC), mixed invitation (restricted) Natalie Mullins, Adam Pennock, Kate Pennock (WBC).