Acorn Theatre in Penzance is secured £40,000 of funding for a number of building renovation and equipment replacement projects over the next year.

The overall aim is to improve the experience of both performers and audiences, and to reduce the building’s carbon footprint.

Specific objectives include meeting Health and Safety issues; improving security; renewing ancient and obselete equipement; reducing energy use and decoration and renovation.

To reduce the carbon footprint there will begin a programme of upgrading to LED lighting, and the installation of new, more efficient gas boilers.

Work that is already visible to Acorn users are the improved signage both inside and out; the repainted auditorium and dressing room; the redecorated Box Office; and new flooring (including the dance floor) in addition to fresh paintwork and tables in the Cabaret Bar.

The new April to June brochure is available, showcasing talent such as Henning Wehn, Roger McGough, Oye Santana, Mitch Benn, Bash Street Theatre and Emily Mcguire.

New volunteers are always more than welcome at The Acorn to help with Front of House and Box Office at events.

Full training is given, and further support available by way of experienced volunteers. Other support can be given through the distribution of posters around the area, general maintenance of the building or even administrative support. Rewards for volunteers are in the form of complimentary tickets, a newsletter and an enjoyable bi-monthly get-together in the Bar.

Those interested are asked to phone 01736 363545, e-mail or enquire through our website. For an even deeper involvement, interested prospective Trustees are asked to make an enquiry, as above, which would be forwarded to the Chair of the Board.

The Acorn wishes to thank Cornwall Council; the Arts Council and EU via the Cultivator Fund; the Theatres Trust; and all our audience members via the Acorn Theatre Fund (£1 supplement per ticket from customers).

For much-needed new sound equipment, the Acorn will shortly be launching a Crowdfunder appeal, so watch this space.

To see the next few months’ exciting programme, collect a current brochure from our Box Office or venues around town, or visit the website: from which you can sign up for regular e-new updates.