This summer a crew from St Agnes Pilot Gig Club will be rowing 70 nautical miles to the Isles of Scilly to sponsor the Precious Lives Appeal which will raise funds to build a children's hospice in Cornwall.

The mixed St Agnes crew of men and women will be rowing from St Agnes on the North Coast of Cornwall on Friday, August 1. They anticipate arriving at the island of St Agnes in the Isles of Scilly 14 hours later.

The age of the crew members varies from 20 years old to a member in their 50s, and there are extremes of experience too, with some members having done similar rows before, whilst for others this will be their longest row to date! The club is confident that all members are fit and ready for the challenge having just recently taken part in the World Gig Championships.

Nigel Swift, crew member, said: "We're all really looking forward to this challenge and to have the opportunity to test ourselves mentally and physically. This row will be a test of endurance and teamwork. We are a strong team and also benefit from the support of our community too, and are hoping to raise a lot of money for the Precious Lives Appeal whilst also enjoying the challenge we've set ourselves."

As with all gig rowing events stringent safety measures will be adhered to and the boat will be equipped with necessary equipment. Life boat stations along the route will be notified and there will be a support boat to accompany the gig rowers.