This summer, the second year of the Sky Sports Coach Reward and Recognition Scheme is taking place as part of the Sky Sports Developing the Coaches sponsorship. Sky Sports is keen to not only create more cricket coaches throughout the country, but also to reward long-serving and distinguished coaches throughout the counties.

Eighty coaches across the country are being recognised for outstanding service to the community throughout the season. At Bristol, Martin Roberts from Grampound Road Cricket Club, was presented with his award by Nick Knight, a Sky Sports commentator, thanking him for all his services to grassroots crickets.

The reasons Martin Roberts won this award were because Martin has coached in Cornwall for the last 15 years within his club environment and with the Cornwall Schools' Cricket Association.

Martin has been chairman of the Cornwall Cricket Coaches Association for the last two years where he has been instrumental in driving the coaches association forward, setting up and administering coaching courses, the Cornwall schools and area coaching team.

Martin has done a lot of one to one coaching with talented players and he has been a west regional coach.

In the first year, the Sky Sports ECB Coach Education Programme reached over 5500 coaches throughout the country, 50% more then had been targeted.

This year, the scheme will look to reach thousands more cricket coaches, involving schools and clubs nationwide.

This scheme will support the development of 1.25 million youngsters each year throughout the 38 counties.