ST PETER'S CHURCH: The holy communion service held on St Peter's day, June 29 was celebrated by the Rev Andrew Stevenson (priest in charge). In his sermon Mr Stevenson said that Simon, called Peter, or Cephas the Rock, on which, according to Jesus, the church would be built, is a wonderfully human apostle.

Lessons were read by Jean and Tony Morris. The organist was Sid Bryant.

The St Peter's day coffee morning, held on Saturday, June 28, raised approximately £230 for the Children's Hospice South West. Many thanks to everyone who supported this event.

METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY: On Sunday, July 6, Flushing Methodist Sunday school will be celebrating the 203rd anniversary of it's founding. In the afternoon at 2.30pm, the current members will be demonstrating in drama, song and mime, some of the things they have learned during the past Sunday school year.

This is a year of special celebration; a year which has seen the Sunday school grow in numbers and it is hoped there will be a big congregation to share with them and to appreciate all their hard work.

After the service, much of the year's work will be on display in the school room and everyone is invited to go to see it.

METHODIST CHURCH: The evening service was led by the Rev Arthur Cowburn from Penryn.

Following on from the account in the book of Acts relating to Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus, Mr Cowburn preached on the theme of discipleship. Using the analogy of a journey along a roadway, he gave examples of incidents that help along that journey, at the same time drawing others along the road led by the words "I, God, love you."

The organist was Morwenna Bennett.

On Sunday there will be no evening service but instead, at 2.30pm, the Sunday school will be celebrating their anniversary.