SCHOOL: Students had a very successful visit to see the production of "Pinocchio" at the Minack theatre.

Before the performance, they went to Porthcurno Beach for their lunch and then had a long walk up the steep hill to the theatre. The performance was really good, with Pinocchio's nose mysteriously growing when he told a lie.

In the interval pupils had ice-cream, and when the performance was over, everyone was sad that it had finished, but glad to be going home. Everyone was very tired, according to the pupil reporter.

The school continues to collect Sainsburys Active Kids tokens and tinfoil to sell for money for Children's Hospice South West. Flora cooking for schools foil can also be sent in, to enable the school to send away for cooking equipment.

The Summer Fayre will be held on July 10, which is also the date of the County Tennis Finals, when Leedstown are competing at Newquay. Georgia, Kate, Ross, Richard, Kyrran and Joshua are in the team. Good luck to them.

VILLAGE HALL: The committee is very busy organising a series of events during the summer.

The next important date is The Lost Gardens of Leedstown on July 27. Already there are at least nine gardens that will be open and some owners will do refreshments.

Anyone who would like to open their garden can contact Kathi Jones on 01736 851020 by the end of June so that a brochure can be printed.

There is likely to be a quiz night in the autumn with the 50th birthday celebrations on November 15. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions about activities they can contact the committee.

VILLAGE HALL: On July 17 at 7.30pm there will be a performance by many from the village who have some special talents.

The compere of the event will be the Cornish Elvis, a finalist at the Royal Cornwall Show. The cost of entry is £2 and proceeds will be in aid of Leedstown Christmas Lights. There will be refreshments. Come along and see what Leedstown can produce!

OPEN DAY: Bosence Farm Com-munity is holding a Summer Open Day on July 5 from 11am until 4pm.

There will be a nearly new stall, raffle, books, cakes, pottery, plants, etc as well as delicious homemade refreshments.

Anyone requiring further details or directions to the farm can telephone 01736 850006. Donations of unwanted items, for example, bric-a-brac or books are welcome.


BREANEY CHAPEL: There was a good congregation for the Sunday morning service.

The preacher was the Rev David Pountain from Porthleven. Paul J on the organ and Paul C on bass guitar with Craig on drums until the Sunday school went downstairs.

The hymns and psalms and songs of fellowship were used for the congregational singing. Our preacher's Christian life and witness was with the Baptist denomination but must have heard over those years about the Methodist Jam Sandwich'. His talk to the children was based on a jam sandwich' a very good visual aid indeed. After a suitable prayer, teachers and the youngsters went downstairs to prepare for Sunday School Anniversary next week. Communicating the gospel to those around us - living the Christian Life isn't just going to church or praying, even reading the Bible, but living the Christian life includes these other important things!

Coffee time downstairs later was a good time of continuing fellowship.

In the evening the minister the Rev Stephen Bales led the service with Peggy Carter, Peter and Stephanie Gordon read portions from the Holy Bible and Paul Benney led the singing on the organ. People locally are aware, and have been for years, about St Peter's Tide at the end of June. Mr Bales, in his sermon, emphasised the Saints Day of the traditional church as St Peter and St Paul.

In contrast to the attendance at the morning service the evening was a different matter with some having gone early to Goldsithney Chapel where the Mount's Bay Circuit Choir were presenting the musical "Pharisee" by Roger Jones, after the evening service with Stephanie Gordon conducting at which Mr Bales was to be narrator. Some from Breaney were in the choir and others helping on the music side, a lovely evening.

Monday morning the Mother and Toddler group met and in the evening the Prayer meeting was held.


MALE CHOIR: The choir defied the weather on the quay at St Ives last Tuesday, and thank all those who came along and made donations. The choir will be in St Ives again (inside) at the Porthminster on July 8 and hoping for better weather outside on July 15. Choir contacts Roger Evans, DOCTORS SURGERIES: Would you like to become a member of a support group to help raise funds for your surgery and also have a social time with other like minded people? Anyone interested can sign the form at their surgery to pledge their support or contact Hector or Cathy on 01209 831915.

CROWAN PRIMARY SCHOOL: Class four attendance for the second week running was 98.7%. Golden Ticket winners, Ben and Joe. "Imagineers" Project.

The choir had a rehearsal with children from other local schools, including Camborne College and Pool College, on Wednesday afternoon. The session was run by Miss Judge and John Harries, the head of the Cornwall Music Service. Many thanks to Mrs Roberts who provided the transport to and from Pool School and also for year six to Helston for the introduction to their Transition Project.

Key Stage two had a lovely trip to the Minack Theatre on Tuesday to watch Pinocchio.' The weather was ideal and the children certainly deserved their ice-cream during the interval for their excellent behaviour.

The children in Miss Cunningham's class spent Wednesday in the woods exploring the environment and learning about the plants and wildlife. Again it was perfect weather and the children enjoyed themselves. Thanks to the parents who were able to come along to help out.

On camp the year six children were a real credit to Crowan School - their behaviour and enthusiasm was exemplary. "Abseiling was scary at first, going over the edge but once you got going it was fabulous" Nicole "I thought the abseiling was brilliant when we swapped shoes" James "Aeroball was a cross between basketball and trampolining.

The score was a draw in the end because it was all about having fun. Kathryn year six said camp was "excellent", "amazing, "terrific", fantastic.

Thanks must go to Mrs Carpenter, Miss Perkin and Miss Phillips for giving up their weekend to take the children to camp.

Parents should remember that the school will be closed on July 14. The teaching staff will be having a training day with support from the Local Authority Advisor for small schools who will be checking over revised roiling programme of topics and offering further ideas about planning and useful resources. Preparations for the pre-school to relocate to the school are also progressing well. OFSTED will be completing an appraisal of the planned new site for the pre-school this week.

The children are currently considering which playground markings they would most like for their new playground in September.

Thanks to the mums and dads who gave up their time on Saturday to weed, tidy and plant the tubs and flower borders around the school. Thanks also to Jim at Praze Paper shop for his kind donation of the flowers. They really do look so much brighter and attractive now. The PTFA have paid for the new greenhouse which will meet health and safety regulations and be relocated during the holidays ready for the children to use come September.

Festival of Youth and Culture -July 6: The programme for the day is now nearly complete. Our school 5-side football team will be competing in the tournament against other primary schools during the morning and afternoon.

Events: Thursday, Sports Day, 1.15pm to 3.30pm; Sunday, Festival of Youth and Culture, Helston; July 7, Induction Day for year six at Camborne S&CC.

HAYLE MASONIC CLUB: The club will be open on Saturday, July 19 from 10am-6pm. Members of the public will be welcome to visit, tour the historic building and talk to Freemasons.

FAIR SHOW: The 200th anniversary show will take place on July 12 at Trefewha, Praze.

This year's President is Iona, Lady Molesworth St Aubyn. The day will start at 8.30am with the first classes in the Show Ring. In the afternoon the annual dance will take place. At 12.45pm the children will meet on the Playing Field and leave the Square at 1pm. Fore Street and Station Hill will be closed from 1pm to 1.45pm.

The Tent Section will be open after the dance. The Fun Dog Show will start at 4pm.


METHODIST CHURCH: The service on Sunday, June 28 was conducted by Mr Tony Nicholas of Porthleven with Mavis Harper organist.

PRIMARY SCHOOL: Congratulations to all the children whose work appears on the golden wall. Come along and view it.

Headteacher Tony Phillips extends his thanks to all the adults who helped to make this year's camp such a success for the children. Also a big thank you to Mr Snook, Mrs Forrester, Mrs Teeder, Jake and Erin who all gave up so much of their own time to ensure that the children had those active and adventurous residential experiences. The school is also grateful to Miss Bradbury who joined for a day to enable the girls cricket team to play in the county finals. They certainly played well together, but the competition was tough and despite some excellent efforts they weren't quite able to make it through to the regional finals.

Congratulations to the five children who entered a county badminton competition. Their enthusiasm, skills and agility did not go unnoticed and they have all been invited to attend the county under 13 team trials.

Finally, it's congratulations to the 100 club June winners who were Mrs M McLaughlin, Mrs C Barker and Mrs C Culm.

NATIONAL TRUST ESTATE: Something for the energetic families a "Near and Far" quiz. You have to find the questions and queries all scattered around, gathering more points if you cover more ground! Thursday, July 31 from 10am-noon. £3 per child.


LION AND LAMB: July entertainment in the Lion and Lamb will provided by the following: Friday, July 4, Graham Hart; Friday, July 18, Bob Seymour; Friday, July 25, Unsung Heroes.

BALWEST: Morning worship at Balwest Methodist church on Sunday was led by Mr Hartley Wills of Crowlas. The accompanist was Mr Phil Bennett.

In the evening Mr Jeremy Boston (church treasurer) welcomed St Keverne Male Voice choir, their conductor Ian Edwards and Mr Martin Matthews who chaired the evening. A programme of music was enjoyed by an appreciative audience.

In proposing a vote of thanks at the conclusion of the concert Mr Steve Allen (church secretary) invited everyone to join for refreshments in the Sunday school room.

CHURCH: To celebrate the feast of John the Baptist, a book of common prayer service of holy communion was held in Ashton Church. The celebrant was the Rev John Cox assisted by the parish priest, the Rev Penny Prince. The epistle was read by Bevan Osborne and vicar Penny read the Gospel. Malcolm Hersee was the sidesman.