CHAPEL: The Sunday morning service was conduced by the Rev Colin Short and the pianist and organist was Shirley Mildren.

The first two choruses were sung from the new junior praise book. With help from four scholars, namely Maisy, Tatty, Tallulah and Nicola, Rev Short acted the story of a Roman slave market.

The vestry steward was Alfie McDonald and Michael Lawrance welcomed people to the service. The flowers were provided by Lillian Ruberry.

At the close of the service, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered, the communion stewards being Pam Rogers and Anne Hocking.

On Friday evening, the social club met and an enjoyable time was had, with Alan and Joanna Alker arranging quizzes and games. This was followed by refreshments.


TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH: The superintendent minister, the Rev Andrew Hill, took the service on Sunday. His text was "Dwell in the house of the Lord".

He interested the congregation with a statue of John Wesley, who came to Cornwall preaching the Gospel.

Peggy Jenkin gave the flowers for the table, and Elizabeth Tremayne played the organ.

Samuel and Thomas received the offering.

The sacrament of the Lord's supper followed the service.


METHODIST CHAPEL: Sunday morning was a fellowship service led by Mr C Mitchell and Mrs S Pearce. Mrs I Wearne said a prayer. Mrs G Collins was organist. Mr C Mitchell took up the offering.

In the evening there was a Sankey evening followed by a pasty supper.

The people of the chapel would like to say a special thanks to Mrs M Bilkey, Mr D Harry, Mr P Nesbitt, Mrs G Collins and the Rev A Cowburn and everyone who helped in any way.

Next Sunday's service will be held at 10.45am. Everyone welcome. The chapel is wheelchair friendly.


ST WENDRONA CHURCH: Mrs Gillian Bowles, reader in training, led a service of the Word on Sunday morning. The readers were Rachel Chant and Jude Warren. Ray Spencer led the intercessions. The sidesman was Phil Haywood. The organist was Anne Veneear.

On Saturday, Alan James and Nicola Griffiths were married by the rector, Canon David Miller. On Sunday, July 6 there will be a service of holy communion at 10.30am. The celebrant and preacher will be the Rev Harry Chant.