ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH: The format at Parish Communion was altered in order to accommodate a presentation by Chris and Polly Barton who, after many years living and working in Truro, have been working in Uganda improving dental health for the rural population of Kabale for more than six years, as mission partners with the diocese of Kisizi.

During that time, St Michael's and many other Cornish churches have supported Chris and Polly's work, both financially and through prayer. Using film and still pictures, Chris and Polly showed the work of the Rugarama Health Centre dental facility, which uses a small team of dental officers to bring mobile dentistry and education to communities and schools, thus greatly improving the general health of thousands of poor people.

The serious work was interspersed with scenes of celebration and jubilant worship. Now that Chris and Polly have left, the centre is entirely under local control for the first time since 1921. The Rector, Canon David Miller, assisted by the Rev Dorothy Noakes and Betty Booker, lay Reader, introduced the service, led prayers and celebrated Communion.

Junior Church told the story of how Peter and John healed a lame man at the Temple.

METHODIST CHURCH: On Women's Network Sunday, the theme chosen by the Rev Amanda Stevens for the morning service was, naturally, "women".

Many of the women in the Bible were spoken of in her address, in the Old and New Testament readings by Loveday Martin and Ethel Collins, and in a meditative remembrance while tea-lights were lit by Eileen Merritt and Margaret Osborne.

Christine Cumber delighted the congregation with her singing of two songs, and she also led the singing of one of the hymns. The network confession and act of commitment were also said. During the service Rita Rapson thanked the church family for their prayers and thanked God for her good recovery. Margaret Bilkey played the organ and accompanied Christine on the piano.

In the evening some of the congregation attended the circuit united service at St Keverne.

DARBY AND JOAN CLUB: Members had a wonderful afternoon of poetry reading from Mr Brian Teague entitled "memories". Brian writes all his own poems, mostly in Cornish dialect, some humorous, others serious.

He told one poem about an elderly gentleman moving into a modern house, leaving behind memories of the black-leaded grate, the long tin bath and the outside loo! Another story about a Sunday school outing which had all the members reminiscing about Sunday school outings in years gone by!

Many thanks to Brian for a very enjoyable afternoon.


METHODIST CHURCH: The service on Sunday was conducted by Donald Hearn, of Burhos. The organist was Joyce Oliver.

An open day is being held this Saturday, July 5, to explain future plans for the chapel.

The event will include a coffee morning from 10.30am, picnic lunch from 12.30pm, cream teas from 2.30pm and a guided walk at 3pm.