Welcomed by the president, members were privileged to receive a visit from the Cornwall British Legion, Simon Coy. Accompanied by his wife, Mr Coy gave a most interesting and informative talk on his subject “Our largest charity.” Mostly facts of which some members were quite unaware, ie the Legion was formed in 1920 following the Great War and now holds a membership of 10.2 million, mainly ex servicemen and women.

The British Legion answers approximately 300,000 calls for help for their facilities per year, which in the majority of cases the response is positive. For example in 2008 their help amounted to the sum of £750,000.

President, Dot Wickham proposed a heartfelt vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Coy for their attendance, stating how much their visit had been appreciated, which was endorsed by a round of applause from members.

A splendid tea followed served by Mary Wade and Betty Graham (a British Legion member), which was thoroughly enjoyed.

Attending the afternoon meeting, members were greeted by president Dot Wickham and Mary Wade gave an excellent account of her attendance at the Autumn Council Meeting, held at the Hall for Cornwall.

There then followed members contributions to the section of the meeting “My most treasured possession,” which proved most entertaining. Items were presented by Dot Wickham, Doreen Hancock, Valerie Burleigh, Margaret Whibley, Betty Osborne and Cynthia Prior. All gave resumes on the reason whey their items were so precious, proving that occasionally older possessions are best.

Refreshments were served by tea hostess Mary Wade and helpers, completing a very happy afternoon.