Sunday, November 1 was All Saints’ Day and the beginning of the month in which thoughts and prayers turn especially to those who have gone before.

In the afternoon there was a parish visit to Falmouth Cemetery for prayers.

After evening prayer there was a meeting in the presbytery for the 18+ student group.

Monday was All Souls Day, when it is traditional for each priest to say three masses, so there was mass at Mawnan Smith as well as Falmouth, also at Mullion. The prayer group met in the evening.

The Society of St Vincent de Paul met on Tuesday morning and the Bible Reading group in the evening. On Wednesday evening the choir held their practice after mass and there was a sermon in the presbytery for those working to learn more about the Catholic faith.

On Thursday parishioners were able to attend the annual Requiem at Plymouth Cathedral for the clergy of the diocese, who have died over the years. Falmouth remembers especially Canon Michael Walsh and Canon Bede Davis. At Helston there was the first session of Circuit Training for adults, held in St Mary’s Hall. Falmouth Folk Group held their regular practice in the church.

On Friday the confirmation group held their fortnightly meeting. Eighteen young people have committed themselves to this fortnightly lesson as well as regular Sunday mass. Older parishioners were able to go to the fundraising evening in aid of St Petroc’s Society held in Emmanuel Baptist Church, featuring a concert held by the Champagne Cornwall Ladies Barbershop Chorus.

On Saturday morning in St Mary’s Church the wedding was celebrated of Leslie Dobson and Marie Luz, with good wishes from parishioners for their happiness and many blessings on them.

Sunday was Remembrance Sunday, a special day set aside to remember those men and women who died in the two world wars and in the many conflicts since then, including the present ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The service began with the well known hymn “Abide with Me” and the final hymn was “Oh God, our help in ages past.” There was a short talk by Paul Andrew on his personal faith journey. He expects to study for the Catholic priesthood next year.

After mass, Christmas goods were on sale in the hall including cards, childrens books and other religious items. Susan’s Christmas chutney was on sale in aid of the Kanji Project, which works to help children in a very poor area of Tamil Nadu, South India, with a chance to learn and hope of a better life.

Everyone sang “Happy Birthday to you” to congratulate Sister Augustine on her anniversary.