Members held the usual Wednesday evening meeting on November 4 when they viewed and discussed the images contained on the disc of the Royal Photographic Society’s 2008 annual exhibition of digitally projected images and slides. There were four sections: open subject for both digital images and slides and natural history for both digital images and slides.

Each section was projected and a lively discussion followed at the end of each section. Opinions were divided regarding the type of image selected by the panel for the general sections, some feeling that the use of blurred images reduced the impact, whilst others considered that these were misunderstood and needed more thought to interpret. It was also considered that the balance of the natural history sections was heavily in favour of birds, which although beautifully presented became rather boring. Various comments were heard to the effect that more flowers and other animal pictures would have been welcomed to increase the variety and maintain interest.

The next meeting, on November 18, “Arachnids and Lizards with Nicola and Samantha Congdon” and is a photo opportunity, so bring your camera. Meetings are held every Wednesday evening during the season starting at 7.30pm in the Mabe Village Hall, Cunningham Park, Mabe, next door to the Community Primary School. We welcome visitors to our friendly club Feel free to come along to any meeting. Should you be interested in joining us then please contact Derek Godridge, Chairman, 01326 373838, website