Sunday was the Third Sunday before Advent and also Remembrance Sunday.

Parish mass was concelebrated by Father Mark Mesley and Father Beverley Thompson. Mr D G Barnicoat was server. Daniel Prideau played organ for the majority of the service and Brenda Pike for the recessional hymn. The introit hymn was “O God our help in ages past.”

After the collect, Christine Collins read the First Lesson from Jonah chapter 3 v 1-5 and 10. Fr Mark read the responsorial Psalm chapter 62 v 5-12 “God alone is my rock and my salvation.” Doreen Barnicoat read the Second Lesson from Hebrews chapter 9 v 24-28 and the gradual hymn was “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind.”

Fr Beverley proclaimed the Gospel, Mark chapter 1 v 14-20 and in his sermon quoted from the collect “Govern the hearts and minds of those in authority and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to His just and gentle rule” and “hoped that those who had died in Afghanistan had not died in vain.”

The eucharist followed after the intercessions and the offertory hymn was “Come ye faithful raise the anthem” and “Father see they children bending at thy throne” was played during communion.

Fr Mark gave the notices for the week: Wednesday, 10am, weekday mass at the Church of the Holy Spirit; 2.30pm St Michael’s Prayer Group meets at 11 Trevethan Court. Friday, 10am, weekday mass at St Michael’s Church. Saturday, 10am, Mission to Seafarers coffee morning, Grove Hotel, Falmouth; 2-4pm, Penwerris Autumn Bazaar, Laburnum Hall. Sunday, concelebrated parish mass at St Michael’s ; 5pm mission service at the Church of the Holy Spirit preceded by tea and cake at 4.30pm.

The recessional hymn was “O valiant hearts” and instead of processing out in the bad weather to the cenotaph, the Roll of Honour and Wreath laying was held at the two Memorial plaques inside the church with the two minutes silence observed and the singing of the National Anthem.