Sunday's services for the third Sunday before Advent, Remembrance Sunday, were taken by Father Harry Pugh. Esther Brown and Francoise Ziemann read the lessons and Esther also led the intercessions. Andrew Woods was organist. The congregation was treated to a lovely solo from Joyce Edwards, accompanied on the piano by Andrew Woods.

During the act of remembrance, Fr Harry laid a wreath of poppies against the memorial tablet and read the names of the fallen from the First and Second World Wars, followed by two minutes' silence and the National Anthem.

This week's services will be on Thursday at 10am (holy eucharist), Sunday at 8am (holy eucharist BCP) and 9.30am (solemn eucharist) and Tuesday at 6.30pm (holy eucharist). Choir practice will be on Wednesday at 7.15pm.

St Bart's autumn fayre and hamper raffle will be on Saturday, November 14 in the Public Hall from 10am-1pm. There will be various stalls and refreshments and the raffle will be drawn at noon. Raffle tickets are available from Maureen Williams. Proceeds for church funds.

Maureen Williams is collecting old spectacles and Andrex toilet roll bags with puppy tokens, for Vision for Africa.

Liz Hawkins is giving a talk on her trip to Nepal at 7pm on Tuesday, November 17 in St Bart's.

There will be a bacon and bap coffee morning at Arcon, the home of Maureen Williams, on Thursday, November 19 from 10.30am.