Remembrance Sunday morning service was led by Philip Bridgewater of The Lizard. Perran, Joseph and Jason from Basecamp read a poem “Poppies in Flanders Fields”. Organist was Nigel Dower.

Allsorts Café Church in the evening was led by the Rev Andrew with the theme “Exploring Work and Leisure.”

On Tuesday came the first of the lunchtime recitals by students from Helston Community College, which are to be held on the first Tuesday of each month at the chapel from 12.45pm to 1.15pm. Entry is free and tea and coffee are available.

The Martha and Mary Group met last week to sort and pack about 80 shoeboxes for “Operation Christmas Child.”

Wesley Hall, the vestibule and porch at Helston Methodist Church presented a very busy scene on Saturday morning as several young people enthusiastically took part in “Make Life Flow” coffee morning. An event involving “Outback”, our Circuit Young People’s Group, who carried water from the River Cober uphill to the chapel.

In two hours they well exceeded their goal of filling two large water butts! This exercise was an attempt at trying to make our people more aware of the difficulties encountered by people on the African continent in obtaining daily water supply. A short film illustrated the problems met by a Ugandan teenager in this task. A large number of family members and friends came to support and cheer on the participants, who hope that a considerable amount will have been raised for Tearfund, which builds rainwater collecting tanks for African villages.