LUMC: At the Sunday School prize giving service on November 22, there will be a celebration of the opening of the Sunday School Building 100 years ago. It is hoped to have a celebration cake and there will be a bring-and-share lunch. If you have any pictures of Sunday school activities past and present please contact Sue W, or Jackie Paul on 01736 850787, or email Jackie on All former teachers and pupils are invited so if you know someone please invite them to come along.

SCHOOL: Could you please bring in any oddments of materials and ribbons for a project for Class 2 for the Christmas Fayre.

Friday, November 20 is Children in Need – each class will be coming up with suggestions of how they would like to fundraise – examples so far are: coming to school in pyjamas, wearing something spotty and cake baking.

There is a vacancy for a parent governor. Governors usually meet once per half term. Becoming a parent governor can be stimulating, enjoyable and rewarding. Typically, a governor’s duties will average at around six hours of spare time each month. The LEA values the voluntary contribution of its governors and in return aims to provide a high-quality training and support service. Governors are able to access this support in a variety of ways including training courses and a designated helpline.

If you are interested please see Mrs Thomas in the school office for a form to complete.

BASH STREET THEATRE: The theatre from Penzance is visiting Leedstown, a wonderful treat. The Lion Tamer is the latest in the silent movies produced by this talented company. It is a melodrama, full of action, pathos and silent comedy with an original movie score. It involves circus skills and slapstick comedy and is guaranteed to entertain. Inspired by the comic genius of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, the show has been especially designed for village halls. Come along to Leedstown Village Hall for a wonderful evening on Saturday, December 5 at 7.30pm. Tickets are: £5 child, £8 adult, £7 concessions, and £22 for a family of four, two adults and two children/students. To book, phone 01736-851050 or book online at WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: Members had a very enjoyable Sugarcraft Demonstration from Sarah Harris at the November meeting. Sarah demonstrated how to decorate a cake with models of choir boys, a marzipan Christmas tree and parcels. She also showed how to decorate a cake with Christmas Roses or Poinsettias all made from marzipan or flour paste. Some of the items were fairly simple to do, and members went home determined to try their skill!

Plans were made for the Christmas party on Tuesday, December 8 at 7.15pm in LUMC. Members are running a WI stall at the Christmas Lights Fayre at the village hall on Saturday, November 28 from 11-3pm. Food as donations, volunteers to help run the stall and buyers are now wanted.

Prize winners for a competition “Sparkly Item”: 1, Ann Jenkin; 2, Marie Brock; 3, Earlynn Matthews.

It was agreed to donate the funds for erecting a display representing 90 years of Leedstown WI to be put up with the other displays for the Christmas Lights Exhibition in Leedstown in December. It would be a permanent reminder of Leedstown WI’s long history for the years to come.