At last week's meeting members continued with the theme "getting to know your camera" with members bringing in their cameras, and more importantly perhaps, their camera instruction manual!

The more experienced members led small groups of the less knowledgeable ones through the various functions of their cameras with members taking photos at each change of function to see what effect they had. Again, members found this a very useful exercise, particularly as many are new to digital photography. Next week's meeting will be a club competition, "Dereliction" and the judge will be Roy Hoar from St Austell. If you are interested in joining the club we meet most Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm at Mabe Village Hall, Cunningham Park, Mabe, Penryn, (next door to the village primary school) and you are free to come along to a few meetings without making a commitment or, telephone the club's chairman, Derek Godridge on 01326 375436.